Is what I always thought as a kid—but y’know you can only get so far with your little stick and handkerchief before you realize that you’re in the middle of nowhere and would have the luck to get eaten by coyotes.
Nowadays I consider myself to be a jack of all trades trying to master at least one; moving from the 2D media of painting, illustration, and graphic design into the territories of the 3D such as ceramics, stop-motion collage, and sculpture. Writing should be in there somewhere too, but it makes things a little too much.
Some say bouncing around art forms like this can be a bad thing, but in my mind, everything is connected through a similar sense of presence and purpose.
Oh, and also, my name is Isabella K. Good, or Ig if you’re feelin’ goofy. :)
Life as a good
The one thing that inspires me the most is my childhood, growing up on a farm will teach you lots of things like hard work—but nothing touches you more than having your goat die from eating quick-cement or a chicken getting its head chopped off for dinner.
Although life on the Good family farm was not always full of good times, it was always good enough. This lesson has allowed me to have, in my mind, a better grip on the lives of my rural ancestors that were so different than the ones we lead today in the same exact space.
A lot of the projects I am working on now have to deal with these kinds of topics, an exploration into the rural life of America since the beginning. Specifically how such things as gender roles, the overall workforce demographic, and most importantly the job of a rural mother have changed in time with other social, industrial, and cultural movements. Within said projects I try tend to include my own family’s history of owning a centennial farm, as the ups and downs can be traced through pictures, diaries, and secondhand sources.